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ShangHai Medical Exhibition 2024

Time:2023-9-4 16:36:03Hits:

ShangHai Medical Exhibition 2024

1. Publishing 200-character/word content of exhibits and company profile in the Show Catalogue free of charge.

2. The allocation of booths is based on the principle of first-come-first-served in terms of application and payment.

3. Participation fees shall be remitted in full or 50% to the designated bank account within 3 working days after application. The balance of the payment shall be settled before August 10, 2023.

4. In order to comply with the overall arrangement, the Organizer has the right to make adjustment to some booths when necessary.

5. No booth fees shall be refunded unless the application is not accepted by the Organizer.

6. Exhibitors who need water, motor power, and compressed air for demonstration shall submit their applications one month in advance.

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