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时间:2021-10-11 8:46:16来源:本站原创作者:佚名点击:

广东卡能医疗器械科技有限公司是一家专业设计、研发、生产、销售 空气消毒净化器、臭氧消毒器等高科技产品的高新技术企业。公司厂房总 面积 3000 平米。 主要产品: 室内空气消毒机、加湿空气消毒机、车载杀菌清新器、卫生间 4546 消毒宝、果蔬除菌消毒机、臭氧杀菌洗脚盆、工业专用强效杀毒机等。 卡能公司以“健康生活伴你左右”为使命,精诚努力,协同奋进,开拓进 取,秉承“改善空气质量,提供健康服务”为宗旨,打造消毒行业的精品, 为大家的健康生活保健护航。 Guangdong COKIN Medical Equipment Tech. Co., Ltd. is a professional design, research and development, production, sales of air disinfection purifier, ozone disinfector and other high-tech products. Our factory covers an area of 3000 square meters. The main products: Indoor air disinfection purifier, Humidification air disinfection purifier, Car sterilizer, Bathroom disinfector, Fruit and vegetable disinfectorOzone sterilization foot washing basin, Industrial special strong virus disinfection machine, etc. With the mission of "healthy life with you", COKIN company makes sincere efforts, collaboratively forge ahead, and makes pioneering progress. Adhering to the purpose of "improving air quality, providing health services", we will create high-quality products in the disinfection industry and escort everyone's healthy life and health care.

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